Monday, 10 November 2014

Fantastic Fundraising!

The Milkshake Selling Team were all very proud to receive this letter!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Guy Fawkes....

This morning we have been discussing and debating Guy Fawkes. We watched this video and discussed our experiences and opinions. 
Stay tuned to see some of our great persuasive work sharing our opinions.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

The BEST Angles Math Song! (with bonus DANCING CATS!)

Later on this week. we will be working angles. Here is a great song to get us all thinking about the vocabulary that we will be using and how we use the equipment correctly.

The BEST Angles Math Song! (with bonus DANCING CATS!)

Later on this week. we will be working angles. Here is a great song to get us all thinking about the vocabulary that we will be using and how we use the equipment correctly.